Index for words including 伸


Stretch, Reach, Extend, Open, Trust

Word Links for words containing 伸 (sorted via character pairs)

伸 shen¯
Stretch, Reach, Extend, Open, Trust

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


伸展 Stretch

向外伸展 Stretch outwards, Stretch out to the side

伸展 Unfurled, Opened up

站立伸展 Standing Forward Bend

加強側伸展 Front Triangle Pose, Intense Side Stretch, Reverse Prayer Pose, Parsvottanasana

三角扭轉伸展 Revolving Triangle Pose, Privrtta Trikonasana

金字塔扭轉伸展 Wide Leg Standing Twist, Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana

伸展而出 Spread out, Splayed out


伸開 Stretched, Stretched out, Stretched open


伸腿 Supine Legs In The Air, Urdhva Prasrita Padasana


伸出 Reach out, Jut out, Reached out, Jutted out, Reaching out, Jutting out

伸出 Held out, Brought out, Reached out

伸出 Reaching out a hand, Extend a hand, Extended a hand

伸出 She extended a hand, She held out a hand

將握緊的拳頭伸出 Held out a closed fist

伸出手了 Reached out

一定是伸出手了 Probably reached out, Must have reached out

他一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out

伸出的手 Extended hand, Offered hand

揪住他伸出的胳臂 Grabbed his outstretched arm

伸出手來輕輕摸一下 Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush

看出那兒無法伸出援手 Saw no help there

伸出雙手 Reached out with both hands

朝他伸出雙手 Holding out both hands towards him


伸縮 Telescopic

伸縮 Stretchy


伸張 Expand

正義伸張 Justice is served


伸長 Stretch, Elongate, Lengthen

伸長手臂 Stretched out an arm, Stretch the arms, Reached an arm out


伸手 Reach out a hand, Reach out to grab, Reach, Reached

伸手 Reached to, Extended a hand to

伸手去接 Reach out to touch, Reached out and touched

伸手到大衣裡 He reached into his coat, He reached into his jacket

伸手要推她 He reached out to push her

伸手要推他 She reached out to push him


伸舌 Stick tongue out


伸向 Reach towards me, Reaches towards me, Reaching towards me, Reached towards me


伸進 Reach into, Reached into

把手伸進 Reach hand, Reaching hands into

此刻他伸進口袋 Now he reached into his pocket


伸入 Stick out into, Extend into, Project into, Thrust into

伸入江水 Sticking out into the river, Extending out into the river


伸到 Reach

將兩隻手臂伸到 Reach both arms

伸到頭上 Stretched overhead

手臂伸到頭上 Arms stretched overhead

將手翻過來伸到小小的火焰上 Tipped their hand over the small flames


伸直 Straighten


屈伸 To be flexible, To submit or rise according to circumstance

頭碰膝前屈伸展式 Head To Knee Pose, Janusirsasana


延伸 Extend, Stretch, Elongate, Lengthen, Continuation, Extension

延伸 To stretch

延伸 Extend

延伸學習 Extended learning


角伸 Triangle Pose, Utthitta Trikonasana


後伸 Reach back, Reaches back, Reaching back, Reached back

後伸 Reach back, Reaches back, Reaching back, Reached back

手臂向後伸 Arm reaching back, Arms reaching back, Stretch the arm back, Stretch the arms back


前伸 Reach forward, Reaches forward, Reaching forwards, Reached forward

前伸 Reach forward, Reaches forward, Reaching forwards, Reached forward

手臂向前伸 Arm reaching forward, Arms reaching forward, Stretch the arm forward, Stretch the arms forward


拉伸 Stretch, Stretching, Pull to stretch

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