Index for words including 到


Arrive, Reach, Attain, Acquire, Appear, Attend

Word Links for words containing 到 (sorted via character pairs)

到 daoˋ
Arrive, Reach, Attain, Acquire, Appear, Attend

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


到單腳上 Onto one foot, To one foot

轉移重量到單 Shifting weight to one foot


到另一處 To another place

從一處到另一處 From place to place, From one place to another place

能從一處到另一處 Can, from place to place


倒入一噴流的鮮奶油到咖啡中 Pouring a flowing jet of cream into coffee


從頭到尾 From start to finish, From head to tail


到圖書館 I went to the library

到圖書館看書 Went to the library to read, At the library reading


到明天才會離開 Won't leave until tomorrow


到時 By that time

到時 And then (after)

到時候就來不及了 By that time it would be too late

到時可能就來不及了 By then it may be too late


一天到晚 All day, From dusk till dawn, From morning till night

從早到晚 From morning to night


他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money


到田的這一邊 Rolling to this side of the field, Rolling to the other side of the field


到目前為止 So far, Until now


到朋友家 Went to a friend's house

到朋友家玩 Went to a friend's house to hang out, Went to a friend's house to play


到腦 Forget about, Put at the back of one's mind


從頭到腳 From head to toe

到腳 Stepping all over, Stomping all over, Soundly defeating


到陽台上 Stand on the balcony, Stands on the balcony, Standing on the balcony, Stood on a balcony


到好 Just right


到幾公里外去了 Blown kilometers away


到網絡上 Via the internet


到那 Get there, Arrive there

到那 After getting there

一早到那 Get there early

步行到那 Getting there, Walking there, Getting there on foot

等不及到那 Couldn't wait to get there

簡直等不及到那 Simply couldn't wait to get there


撒溺到水槽裡 Peed in the sink


到了 Reach, Reached, Arrive at, Had arrived at, Had Arrived, Get to, Got to

到了 Recorded

已經到了 Already arrived, Has arrived

感覺到了 Felt, Felt it

時間到了 It's time

檢測到了 Detected

注意到了 Focused on, Focuses on

已接觸到了 Been exposed

我感覺到了 I felt it

等時候到了 When the time came

到了 After arriving, After getting there

你知不知道你惹到了 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

妳知不知道妳惹到了 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

到了極點 Extremely

害怕到了極點 Extremely worried, More worried than ever

到了一九世紀末 By the end of the nineteenth century

到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

到了很高的水平 Reached a very high level

確實感應到了什麼 Sensed something


從中國拓展到歐 From China expand to Europe and America


到馬桶裡 Spat into the toilet


到外 Go outside, Went outside


到舞會廳來 Come to the ballroom


我有感覺到什 I feel something, I felt something


到位 In place


到手的現金 Cash in hand, Cash

尋找比較容易到手的現金 Look for cash on easier terms, Looking for an easier way to get cash


到我二十一歲左右的時候 When I was 21 years old or thereabouts

是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods

是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods


到看不見 Too small to see

到看不見也感覺不到 Small enough to not be seen or felt


到得 Can get (there)

到得 Can get (there)


爭取到救 Survive until help arrives, Get rescued


到齊 Brought together, Collected


到訪 Visitors


毯子拉上蓋到它們下巴 Pulled the blanket up to their chins


到家 Get home, Arrive at home


到實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 Practical applications seemed a long way off


察覺到空氣漸層的變化 Sensing a change in air gradient

感覺到空氣抵著他的掌心 Feel the air against his palm, Feeling the air against his palm

感覺到空氣抵著她的掌心 Feel the air against her palm, Feeling the air against her palm

他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected

她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected


到底 Destination, In the end, In the long run, Reach the end, At the end of it all

到底 After all

堅持到底 See it through to the end, Stick with it, Keep at it

奮戰到底 Fight to the bitter end

歸根到底 In the final analysis

到底怎麼了 What happened?

你的手到底怎麼了 What happened to your hand?

到底發生了什麼事 What happened to me in the end? What happened to me?

知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end

他們的腦袋裡到底裝了什麼啊 What was in their heads?, What were they thinking?

到底是什麼 What exactly is it?, So what is it?, What is it?

那些到底是什麼 What are those?, What the hell are those

到底他媽的在想什麼 What the fuck were you thinking?

到底怎麼回事 What's going on?

從上面到底 From top to bottom

到底什麼意思 What do you mean?, What are you trying to get at?

到底什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives

從上面到底下的距離可不短 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop


十分鐘前到的 Arrived ten minutes ago

收集到的氣體 Collected gas, Collected gasses

可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on

收集到的氣體要做後續的觀察時 When collected gas is to be observed later


意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing


到江心補漏遲 It's too late too fix a leak when the boat is in the middle of a river, It's best to make sure things are working before a crisis occurs


到沙灘上散散步 Go for a walk on the beach


到波特蘭機場 Portland Airport

搭接駁車到波特蘭機場 Took the shuttle bus to Portland airport


工作到深 Work until late at night


到這 Speaking of this

領會到這細節 Got it, Understood this

自覺地意識到這 Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it

他會到這裡來 He will come here

她會到這裡來 She will come here

你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?

你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?


到過 Been, Experienced


到達 Arrive (at), Reach

當他到達 When he reached

到達 Arrive, Reach

到達 After arriving

到達山脊 Reached the ridge

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system

到達某地方 Arrived at a (particular) place

到達工作地點 Arrive at work, Arrives at work, Arrive at place of work

只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't reach past his elbows

似乎只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't seem to reach past his elbows

能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Can use it to travel to a distant star system

人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 In the hope that mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system


到遺 Scared to shit

還沒怕到遺 Not even scared enough to shit

甚至還沒怕到遺 Weren't even scared to the point of shitting


從古到今 Since ancient times (to now)


到期 Expire

到期不付款 Didn't pay by the due date, Got into arrears


到一 To one side

到一 Force together, Jam together

到一 Block to one side, Blocks to one side, Blocked to one side

到一 Counted half

折疊到一 Folded together

把劍擋到一 Block the sword to one side, Blocks the sword to one side, Blocked the sword to one side

都會折疊到一 All folded together, All accordioned together

到一下層 Pass through to the next stage

把她到一旁說 Took her to one side, Took her aside

到一年的這個時期 At this time of year

他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout

常常到一家老茶樓喝茶 Frequently drank tea at an old teahouse

早晨常常到一家老茶樓喝茶 Frequently drank tea in the morning at an old teahouse


到頭 In the end

一年到頭 All year round

一年到頭都如此 Year round it was always like this

幾乎一年到頭都如此 It was like this nearly the whole year round


到五年級 Got up to fifth grade


磨穿到下 Worn through to the bottom layer


到不 Can't get (there)

到不像樣 Preposterously short


到天花板上 Hang from the ceiling


到現 Until now, Up until now

聚集到現 Converge on the scene, Converging on the scene

到現在才展開 Delayed till now, Only now started


到雨 Get in the rain, Get wet from the rain, Get caught in the rain

免得淋到雨 Protect from the rain, Keep protected from the rain


在新竹縣到雲林縣之間 Between Hsinchu county and Yunlin county


恐懼到要嘔吐 Fearful to the point of vomiting, Nauseous with fear


到聖殿外面等他們 Wait for them outside the temple, Wait for them outside the sanctuary


到夏 In the summer time, When summer time arrives


倒了一些穀片到碗 Pouring cereal into a bowl, Poured cereal into a bowl


從封建到中央集權的轉變 Transitioned from feudalism to centralized power, Transition form feudalism to centralized power, Transitioning from feudalism to centralized power


到桌腳下 Stuff under a table leg


到上 To Shanghai

過海到上海的跨 Straddled the sea to Shanghai

過海到上海的跨海堤道 The causeway that straddled the sea to Shanghai, The sea straddling causeway to Shanghai


到處 All places, Everywhere

到處到在 Everywhere

到處 Walk around, Roam around, Wander

到處 Everywhere

到處充滿 Everywhere is full of

到處搜尋 Hunted around

到處遊走 Wander around

到處都是車 Cars everywhere, Cars are everywhere, Cars were everywhere

到處都有指示牌 Signs all over the place, Signs everywhere

在風中到處亂飛 Flapping about in the wind, Flapping about

到處是高高的書架 There were tall bookcases everywhere

到處都是 Everywhere, All over

尿得整個馬桶圈到處都是 Pee all over the toilet seat

到處都看過了 He looked everywhere

到處都看過了 She looked everywhere

到處遊走的傾向 Tendency to wonder, Tendency to wonder around

他們人到處遊走的傾向 Their tendency to wonder around


到十四歲 Until the age of fourteen


將兩腳擺盪到地毯上 Swung their feet onto the rug, Swung their feet onto the carpet

溢出到地板上的地方 Overflowed onto the floor


鄉村到城 Rural to urban


他伸手到大衣裡 He reached into his coat, He reached into his jacket

長度到大腿中段 Mid-thigh length

絕對會震撼到大多數人 A sure way to shock the vast majority of people

長度到大腿中段的格子呢裙 Mid-Thigh Length Tartan Skirt


注意到奇怪的事 Noticed something strange, Noticed something peculiar


強韌到禁得起 Strong enough to withstand


到來 Come, Coming, Came, Arrived

到來 New arrival, Newly arrived, New arrivals

到來 Came, Arrived

到來的人 New arrival, Newly arrived, New arrivals


從壞到極點變成荒謬 Had gone from bad to absolutely farsical


到樓下去 Went downstairs


到橋頭自然直 Everything will work out, Everything will take care of itself in its own time


到處到在 Everywhere


追溯到世界上第一批巫師 Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards


吃到 Eat, To eat

吃到 All you can eat, Eat until full


唸到 Nag to the point of


喝到 Drink

喝到爛醉 Get drunk, Got drunk, Got sozzled

勢必喝到爛醉 Inevitably got drunk


嗅到 Smelled

很不想嗅到什麼 Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything

像一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell


嚇到 Scared

自己的影子嚇到 Scared of one's own shadow


跑到 Ran to

快步跑到 Quickly ran to, Quickly ran up to

跑到 Ran to


跳到 Jump, Jumped, Jump to, Jump into, Leap, Leaped

跳到一家屋頂邊緣 Jump to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of a roof

他從街道的一側跳到另一側 He jumped from one side of the street to the other, He leaped from one side of the street to the other

她從街道的一側跳到另一側 She jumped from one side of the street to the other, She leaped from one side of the street to the other


踢到 Kick

踢到 Kicked


回到 Return to, Returning (to), Returned

回到 Return, Returned, Returned once again

回到 Going back to

不斷回到 Kept coming back

重新回到 Returned refreshed, Returned ready to try again

把我拉回到 Pull me back

回到 Arrive(d) back at

回到 Came home, Coming back home, Arriving back at home

回到床上 Went back to bed

便回到床上 Then went back to bed

回到床上 Went back to bed

回到軌道 Return to orbit

回到我身邊 Come back to me, Come back to my side

回到軌道途中 During the trip back to orbit

他不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life

回到他們的客艙換衣服 Return to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabins to change


早到 Arrived even earlier


轉移重量到 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to, Shifted weight to


晚到 Arrive late

晚到 Latest


聞到 Smell

聞到 Smelt

聞到她的味道 Could smell her


開到 Drive to, Drove to, Go to, Went to, Reach, Reached

開到第五章 Open to chapter five, Opened to chapter five


實驗時間到 Time for an experiment, It was time for an experiment


疊到 Folded


買到 Buy

買到 Didn't buy

買到 Bought


瞄到 Looked at, Aimed at

老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 Teacher accidentally saw my test paper


見到 See, Sees, Seeing, Saw, Meet

見到 At the first sign of, At the first sight of

見到 Don't see, Don't meet

見到 Didn't see, Didn't meet

很少見到 Vary rarely seen

第一次見到 First time seeing, At first glance

見到 Saw, Met

真高興見到兩位 It's so good to see you both, Truly wonderful to see you two, So good to see you both

第一次見到她的人 Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time

讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her

喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site


貼到 Mapped it to, Mapped them to, Map to, Maps to, Mapping to, Mapped to


用到 Used

用到 It used

用到 Used

用到別處 Used elsewhere

用到十萬瓦的電力 Used one hundred thousand watts of power

用到十萬瓦的電力 It used one hundred thousand watts of power


周到 Thorough, Considerate, Thoughtful

周到隋唐時期 From the Shang, Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties, Through the time spanning the Shang, Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties


胖到 Already put on (weight), Already put on weight of


派跑腿到 Send errand runners to


會幫助到 Will help


降到 Dropped down to

降到谷底 Rock bottom, Worst, Lowest, Hit the bottom of the valley


收到 Receive, Get, Obtain

收到 Didn't get, Didn't receive

收到 Received

收到 I received, I have received

偶爾會收到包裹 Every once in a while received a parcel, Occasionally received parcels

收到了電子郵件 Received an email

收到了令人不安的消息 I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news

要夠長的天線可以收到無線電波 Need an antennae long enough to pick up radio waves


約到 Go on a date


綁到 Tie up

把一切綁到一起形成網路 Tied them together to form a network, Tied them all together to form a network

綁到一起 Tied together

把一切綁到一起 Tied them all together


響到 Affect

不應該影響到 Should not affect


引到 Draw to, Draw towards, Pull in, Pull towards

被吸引到一起 Drawn together, Drawn towards each other

把巫師引到安靜偏僻的角落 Led the sorcerer to a quiet and remote location


張到 Exaggerated to the point of


飛到 Fly to

飛到 Fly to

從一家屋頂飛到另一家屋頂 Flying from one rooftop to another, Flying from rooftop to rooftop, Moving from rooftop to rooftop


爬到 Climb (on) to

爬到上面 Climbed up on, Climbed on top of

爬到靠近 Climbed towards, Climbed close to


學到 Learn, Acquire

學到 Just learned

學到 Learned

學到的一課 A lesson learned, The lesson that was learned

從開學到現在 From the start of school up until now

在家自學到十四歲 Home-schooled up until the age of fourteen

那他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

那妳不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?


覺到 Feel, Sense, Detect, Notice

覺到 Feel, Feels, Feeling, Felt, Sense, Senses, Sensing, Sensed, Perceive, Perceives, Perceiving, Perceived

他感覺到 He felt, He sensed, He noticed

她感覺到 She felt, She sensed, She noticed

似乎感覺到 Seemed to feel

強烈感覺到 Felt intensely, Was struck


長到 Extend to


駭到 Amazed, Shocked


驗到 Experiencing, Experienced


解到 Understood, Realized


觸到 Come in contact with, Contacted

觸到 Touch, Contact, Touched, Contacted

一接觸到 As soon as it contacted, As soon as it came in contact with, As soon as contact was made

他一碰觸到 As soon as he touched


多到 As many as, As much as

次數多到 Number of times, Volume (number of times)

多到數不清 Too many to count, Countless


久到 Long enough that


生到 Living, Alive


先到 First go to, First goes to, First went to


知到 Recognized


每到 Every time, Every


邀請他到 Invite him to, Invited him to

一路跟蹤他到 Follow him to, Followed him to


把你升任到 Promote you to, Promoting you to


伸到 Reach

將兩隻手臂伸到 Reach both arms

伸到頭上 Stretched overhead

手臂伸到頭上 Arms stretched overhead

將手翻過來伸到小小的火焰上 Tipped their hand over the small flames


面面俱到 Comprehensive


帶我們到 Took us to


借到 Lend

借到 Didn't buy

借到 Lent


做到 Achieve, Accomplish

可以做到 Can do

你認為我們的學校能做到這點嗎 Do you think that our schools accomplish this?


傳到 Transmitted, Spread out

傳到 Uploaded to, Sent to


傷到 Wound, Wounded


丟到 Dropped, Dropped to

直接丟到 Dropped directly

舉起丟到 Heaved into

舉起丟到角落 Heaved into a corner

我把一束炸藥丟到他身上 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him


手到 Reached to, Extended a hand to


看到 See, Look at, Looking at, Looked at, Seeing, Saw

看到 Have you seen

看到 Did not see

一直看到 Kept watching until, Continued to watch until, Watched until

他們看到 They see, They saw, They watch, They watched

在哪看到 Where was that? where did you see…?

沒有看到 Didn't see

讓你看到 Allow you to see, Allow you to observe

你可以看到 You can see, As you can see

很高興看到 Nice to see, Glad to see, I'm glad to see

從陸地上看到 In sight of the land

最後一次看到 Last seen

看到 Saw

看到 Saw him

看到 I saw

沒再看到 Didn't see him again

我不想看到 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想看到 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

那晚沒再看到 Didn't seem him for the rest of the night

看到了他 Saw him

看到什麼 What do you see?

看到阿公了 I see grandpa

看到太陽西沈入上海 Watch the sunset over Shanghai

有人看到天才也不認得 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it

看到工作有進展感覺挺不錯的 It's nice to see the work progressing, It's nice to seem some progress (in the work)

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years

看到他們 Saw them

看到他的 Saw his

看到一個了 I see one now

我想我看到一個了 I believe I see one know

我所看到的事實 That facts as I see them

我只能告訴妳我所看到的事實 I can only tell you what I see


移到 Transfer to, Confer to, Convey to

移到 Shifting to, Transferring to

移到 Migrated to, Moved to

把重量轉移到 Shift weight to

將身體重量轉移到 Shift body weight to, Shifting body weight to

移到另一邊 To the other side

把重量轉移到另一隻腳 Shift weight to the other foot

把重量轉移到單腳上 Shift weight to one foot, Shifting weight to one foot, Shifted weight to one foot

把重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot


升到 Rise, Float up to, Go up to

升到 Risen to, Ascended to, Mounted

升到 Promoted, Been promoted

將他們升到 Take them up to, Carry them up to

升到 Lifted to, Raised to

被提升到 Been lifted to, Raised to

鍋爐的壓力爬升到毀滅性的高度 The boiler's pressure rose to a destructively high level


受到 Endure, Subject to, Suffer

受到 Feel, Sense

容易受到 Easily susceptible, Susceptible

很容易受到 So susceptible

受到拘束 Tied down, Suffer the constraints of

不願受到拘束 Unwilling to be tied down, Unwilling to be restrained

受到大眾喜愛 Loved by the public, Public appeal

受到大眾喜愛 Can be loved by the public, Have so much public appeal

受到漢人保護 Came under the protection of Han Chinese

受到正義的制裁 Bring to justice, Brought to justice

肉體上沒有受到傷害 Physically unharmed

我會保證妳不再受到干擾 I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed again, I'll make sure that you aren't subjected to any further interruptions

受到疫情影響 Affected by the epidemic, Affected by an epidemic

心情沒受到影響 Mood isn't affected


翻到 Turn to, Flip to


衝到 Rush towards, Sprint towards, Spring to

一下子就衝到十一 Goes all the way up (past 10) to 11, (on a scale of 1 to 10) goes all the way up to 11


得到 Get, Gets, Getting, Got, Receive, Receives, Receiving, Received, Obtain, Obtains, Obtaining, Obtained, Succeed in getting, Succeed, Succeeds, Succeeding, Succeeded

得到 He got

得到 Can lend

得到 She got

得到 Can find, Can look for

得到 Lookup

得到 Didn't get, Don't have

得到 Get to by swimming, Swim to

得到 Can see, Visibly

得到 Smell, Able to smell

得到 Audible, Heard

得到 Can see, Can meet

得到 Can buy

得到 Can do

也許辦得到 Probably could, Perhaps could do

勉強看得到 Provide a passable view, Provided a reasonable field of view

沒人辦得到 Never works

在電話簿裡查得到 Look it up in the phone book, Find it in the phone book

得到 Gets, Successfully gets, Successfully

得到 Earned

得到休息 Rested, Had a rest

得到另一 Got another

得到更多 Have more

得到了一個吻 Got a kiss

得到相同的結論 To arrive at the same solution, To get the same solution

得到神秘的成分 Retrieve the mysterious ingredient

但如果沒得到妳的許可 If I don't have or get your permission

她小孩可以開得到處跑的車 A car her kid could drive around in, A car her kids could drive around in

可不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book

耳邊還聽得到從底下街道傳來的陣陣笑聲 Bursts of laughter could be heard from the streets below

得到的回報 In return, Get in return, Got in return

得到的回報 And in return, And get the report

得到風景 View of the scenery

勉強看得到風景 A reasonable view of the scenery, A passable view of the scenery

得到他需要的 He got what he needed

得到她需要的 She got what she needed

得到休息的感覺 Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested

身體確實有種得到休息的感覺 Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested


等到 Wait until, By the time

那是要等到怎樣你才要提 Then what is worth mentioning?

等到只剩下他一個人了 Wait until he is alone

等到只剩下她一個人了 Wait until she is alone

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone


簽到 Sign attendance book

簽到 Attendance book, Sign in book


飆到 Speed up to, Accelerate up to

從一百公里飆到一百五 From a hundred to a hundred and fifty clicks, From a hundred to a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour


歸到 Return to


就到 Then, It's, Then it's

就到 Then, It's, Then it's


牽到 Lead to


交到 Placing, Putting


高到 Ascend to

高到了天上去了 Ascended towards the sky


放到 Placed on

放到稱上去 Place onto the scale


辦到 Accomplish, Do it, Get something done

他就能辦到 He can do it, He can

辦到 You are doing it!

她不知道她是怎麼辦到 She doesn't know how she does it

我用幾張錫箔紙和口香糖就能辦到 All I needed to do it was some tin foil and chewing gum


意到 Notice, Noticed, Focus on, Focused on

意到 Picked up on, Noticed, Recognized, Realized

他注意到 He noticed

沒注意到 Not notice, Hadn't noticed

似乎沒注意到 Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore


誘到 Lure to, Lured to

把他誘到 Lure him to, Lured him, Lure him into, Lured him into


調到 Switch, Switched, Change to, Changed to


談到 Talked about


識到 Realizes, Realized

讓他意識到 Made him realize, Reminded him

讓她意識到 Made her realize, Reminded her

直到他意識到 Until he realizes, Until he realized

自覺地意識到 Consciously realized


帶大家到 Took everybody to


察到 Insights, Realization, Realized

察到 Observed

會觀察到 Will observe


感到 Feel, Felt

感到 He feels, He felt

感到 She feels, She felt

令我感到 Makes me feel

瞬間感到 Instantly felt, In that instant felt

感到 Feel cold

感到 Feel hot

感到威脅 Feel intimidated

他們的體型使他們的精力讓人感到威脅 Their size made their energy intimidating, Their size made their energy menacing

感到安心 Feel reassured, Feel relaxed, Feel comfortable

讓人感到安心 Reassuring, Reassure people

感到意外 Shock, Surprise

毫不令人感到意外 Not surprisingly

感到溫暖 Feel warm, Feels warm, Feeling warm, Felt warm

感到腹中有 Felt in his belly

令他感到危險 Struck him as dangerous

令她感到難過 Made her feel sad

不得不感到好奇 Cannot help being curious, Cannot help but to be curious

對未來感到茫然 Feeling unsure about the future

模樣性感到了極點 Looked extremely sexy

連他自己都感到驚訝 Even suprising himself

感到不可思議 Marveled, Felt unbelievable

讓人感到威脅而非不可思議 Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder

感到相當興奮 Felt rather excited

同時感到相當興奮 At the same time felt rather excited


盛到 Fill

盛到半滿 Fill halfway

才把水盛到半滿 Could only fill with water halfway


應到 Sensed

一感應到 As soon as it sensed


射到 Shoot, Hit (with weapon fire)

射到 Inject into, Injects into, Injected into


沉到 Sinks down to


沾到 Wetted, Stained

不會沾到 Won't get on, Won't stain, Won't stain, Won't stick to


注到 Directed, Poured into


流到 Drift to


沒牽涉到 Not involved, Did not involve


深到 Experienced, Experienced enough, Senior enough


混到 Blend, Combine, Become mixed

混到一起 Blend together


測到 Detected

測到 Locates, Finds, Identifies

測到 Detect(ed)


游到 Swim to

游到 Swam to


溜到 Sneaked, Sneaked to


可以追溯到 Could be traced to, Could be traced back to


滑到 Slide to, Slid to, Skated to


灑到 Sprinkle on, Shower on


盪到 Swung


追到 Chase to, Follow to

溯源都可追到 All could be traced back to


送到 Take to, Deliver to

過水送到 Send across the water to

送到火星上來 Deliver to Mars surface


逃到 Escape to

逃到 Escapes to


連到 Link, Linking

連到一起 Link together, Linking together, Link, Linking


逮到 Catch, Capture, Grab

逮到 Catch her, Capture her, Grab her

一旦我們逮到 Once we catch her

不過一旦我們逮到 But once we catch her


進到 Came in

莽撞進到房間 Came bustling into the room


遇到 Meet, Meets, Meeting, Met, Bump into, Encounter

遇到 Met, Bumped into

遇到 Meet you

遇到麻煩 Run into trouble, Encounter difficulty

遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 Is in what kind of trouble?

遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble is he in, What kind of trouble did he run into?

遇到問題 If problems are encountered, If there are any problems, If you run into any problems

遇到大洪水 Encounter a massive flood

不論遇到少困難 Regardless of the problems encountered, Despite the difficulties

不能因為遇到困難就放棄 When encountering difficulty, don't give up, Don't give up just because you experience some difficulty


遊到 Travel to

遊到 Travelled to

遊到海的那一頭 Travelling to that end of the sea


運到 Transported to, Delivered to, Shipped to


達到 Reach, Attain, Reached, To reach

達到 Had been reached, Had been attained

已經達到 Had already reached, Had already attained

達到 Reached, Attained

達到完美 Make perfect, Attain perfection

力量達到巔峰 At full strength, At peak strength

達到飽和狀態 Became saturated

是為了達到什麼目的 For what purpose?, To what end?

也差不多能達到相同的功能 Would have done roughly the same thing, Would have served roughly the same function


遞到 Sent to


大老遠到 Travel all the way to


遭到 Encounter, Suffer, Meet with

遭到殺害 Were killed

遭到冒犯的感覺 Feeling of being violated, Sense of violation

遭到致命武力的攻擊 Subject to deadly force

遭到盤查 Be investigated for, Be picked up for

閒蕩之名遭到盤查 Picked up for loitering

以免因閒蕩之名遭到盤查 To avoid being picked up for loitering


遲到 Late, Behind schedule

遲到 You are late

遲到 You are late


已經派人到 Sent someone to, Sent people to


坐到 Sat on

坐到上面 Sat on it, Sat down on it

坐到我旁邊 Sit beside me


拿到 Grab, Got, Received, Grabbed, Took to, Carried to

必須拿到 Must get, Need to get, Needs to get, Needed to get

拿到 Grab, Grabbed

拿到樓上他的房間 Took up to their room

它必須拿到一顆心臟 It needs to get a heart, It needed to get a heart


領到 Lead to, Lead to

一路領到 Led all the way to, Took as far as


會到 Got it, Understood


分到 Shared, Divided


少到 At least until


料到 Expect

應該料到 Should have expected

沒意料到 The surprise, The unexpectedness, Surprise, Unexpected, Unexpectedly

他就應該料到 He should have expected

應該料到 Should have known, Should have foreseen, Should have expected


把他招募到 Recruited him into

把她招募到 Recruited her into


夢到 Dream, Dreaming

夢到的都是惡夢 The dreams were all nightmares


惹到 You messed with, You provoked

惹到 You messed with, You provoked


落到 Drop, Drop down to, Dropped down to, Fall into, Falls into, Falling into, Fell into

落到 Land, Land at, Fall, Descend

落到這個般田地 How'd you end up in this situation

落到一無所有再無可失的處境 Fall into a situation of having nothing to lose, Have nothing to lose


十二點一到 As soon as it was 12 o'clock


不到 Can't, Couldn't, Not, Never, Has not arrived

不到 Can't lend

不到 Can't do it

不到 Can't eat, Couldn't eat

不到 Can't drink

不到 Could not get

不到 Not thinking, Not realizing, Won't believe

不到 Can't find, Not find, Look for without yet finding

不到 Can't catch, Couldn't catch

不到 Won't gather, Won't collect, Won't extract

不到 Cannot touch, Unable to touch

不到 Don't need, Wouldn't need

不到 Can't see

不到 Could not hear

不到 Can't see, Can't meet

不到 Can't buy

不到 Can't do, Couldn't do

不到 Cannot reach, Cannot get, Cannot obtain

他找不到 He can't find, He didn't find, He couldn't find

她找不到 She can't find, She didn't find, She couldn't find

意想不到 Unexpected, Out of the blue, Surprising

感覺不到 Can't be felt

我弄不到 I can't get, I can't get it

找尋不到 Searched for but didn't find, Missing

根本不到 Rather than

聯絡不到 Can't communicate with, Can't reach via communication

都辦不到 Couldn't

什麼都看不到 Can't see a thing

永遠想像不到 Never imagine, Never imagined, Never envisioned

永遠查獲不到 Can never seize

多一個你都找不到 Not one more would you find

這條命很可能撐不到 Probably won't last, Would probably die before

小到看不見也感覺不到 Small enough to not be seen or felt

不到 Can't find

不到 Can't find her

不到 Not buying a ticket

追蹤不到 Lost track of, Can no longer trace, Can no longer locate

你如果找不到 If you can't find him

你如果找不到 If you can't find her

通常沒有什麼是我弄不到 There isn't much that I can't get

不到證據 Won't find any evidence, Won't gather any evidence

查獲不到太多證據 Not much evidence was found

永遠查獲不到太多證據 Never find much evidence

不到八點 It's not even eight o'clock, It's not yet eight o'clock

不到三十英尺 Less than thirty feet

他找不到盔甲 He can't find the armor, He didn't find the armor, He couldn't find the armor

甚至不到一半 Not even half

不到八點欸 It's not even eight o'clock

不到死亡的眷顧 Hadn't the grace to die

我找不到乾淨的襯衫 I can't find a clean shirt

陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine

探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine


再到 Then go to, Then goes to, Then went to


弄到 Get, Get it

弄到這個 Get this

把東西弄到 Get the thing, Getting it


配到 Was given


聽到 Hear, Heard, Listened

聽到 As soon as they heard

聽到 He could hear, He heard

聽到 Familiar, Often heard

聽到 Had not heard, Had never heard

聽到 Sense, Sensed, Picked up

近來聽到 Had heard lately

已經監聽到 Sensed, Picked up

聽到 Heard, Listened

聽到 Heard him

聽到 After hearing

聽到 I heard, I'm listening, I understand, I know

我剛剛說的話你都沒聽到 Did you not hear what I just said?

我剛剛說的話妳都沒聽到 Did you not hear what I just said?

聽到的理論 Familiar argument, Often heard argument

這確實是常聽到的理論 This is of course a familiar argument

聽到這個建議 Heard this suggestion

聽到四周孩童們 He could hear the children all around him, He heard the children all around him

她一聽到電話鈴響 As soon as she heard the phone ring

聽到樓上傳來放水聲 Heard the sound of running water from upstairs

聽到四周孩童們吱喳 He could hear the chit chat of children all around him, He heard the chattering of children all around him

聽到背後有悄悄的足聲 He heard quiet footsteps behind him

聽到背後有悄悄的足聲 She heard quiet footsteps behind her


碰到 Bumped into, Met, Struck

碰到空罐 Struck the empty container, Bumped into the empty canister


數到 Round off to, Approximate to


上到 Goes up to

上到 Top down, Vertical, Vertically

從早上到晚上 From morning till night, From dawn till dusk


慮到 Considering, Bearing in mind


直到 Until, Up to

直到最近 Until recently

直到週末 Up to the weekend

直到你感覺 Until you feel, To the point that you feel

直到他意識到 Until he realizes, Until he realized

直到熱水用盡 Until the hot water ran out, Till the hot water was used up

直到他終於發現 Until he finally realized, Until he finally discovered

直到台灣戰後時期之初 Until the beginning of the post war period in Taiwan

直到純淨為止 Until pure

直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate


老到 Experienced, Sophisticated

經驗老到 Seasoned, Experienced, Practiced


載到 Carrying, Transporting


去到 Go to

走出去到 Head out to, Walked out to


報到 Report, Reporting

報到出勤 Reporting for duty


走到 Arrived at, Walk to, Walked to

走到 Wandered

走到 Arrive at

走到外面 Went outside, Walked outside

走到我身邊 Walked to my side

走到餐桌邊 Walked to the table

走到客廳 Wandered into the living room

走到中間的門 Go to the middle door, Went to the middle door

走到全身鏡前 Go to the full-length mirror, Goes to the full-length mirror, Went to the full-length mirror

走到前面再繞過來 Go around to the front, Go around

走到河邊研究蝌蚪 Walk down to a river to study tadpoles, Walking to a river to study tadpoles

走到門口 Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

走到門口 He went to the door

走到門口 She went to the door

走到房門前 Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

走到敞開的門邊 Walked to the open door, Reached the open door

走到碼頭盡頭 Walk to the end of the pier

走到車道盡頭 Walk to the end of the driveway


起到 Play, Act as


趕到 Rush (to), Arrived

趕到就沒救了 Arrive too late to save (him, Her, Them)


劃到 Drawn, Defined


大到 Big enough

大到 From largest to smallest, From general-to-specific

大到能隱匿其中 Big enough to hide in

體積大到令人痛苦 Painfully bulky

大到能隱匿其中的城市 A city big enough to hide in

聲音大到所有人都聽得見 Loud enough for everyone to hear


查到 Look at, Find


來到 Arrive at, Arrived at, Arrive, Arrived

恰巧來到 Happened to arrive, Happened to come

歡迎你來到 Welcome you to

來到 Arrived

來到 After arriving

來到一條街 Arriving at a street, Arrived at a street

恰巧來到彼處 Happened to arrive there, Happened to go there, Happened to drop in

來到了目的地 Then arrived at the destination, Then reached the destination, Then reached our destination


想到 Think of, Thought, Realized

想到 Once I started thinking about, No sooner had I thought of, Once they started thinking about, No sooner had they began to think about

想到 I thought of, I realized

想到 Does not think, Did not think (that), Can't believe, Don't believe, Can't imagine, Didn't imagine, Would never have imagined

想到 Thought of, Made the connection

我沒想到 I never thought, I never imagined

沒聯想到 Not thought of, Not made the connection

真沒想到 Truly did not expect

立刻想到 Immediately thought of

他這才想到 It occurred to him, He realized

不過我沒想到 But I never thought

讓她有點想到 Reminded her a little of

那可是我沒想到 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that

想到 Thinking of, Thought of

幾乎想到 Almost knew, Almost realized

我所能想到 All I can think of is

好久沒想到他了 Hadn't thought about him in ages

你讓我想到一件事 You've given me an idea, You've given me a thought, You've made me think of something

那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of


存到 Saved

存到 Stored

存到足夠 Saved enough

她一存到足夠 Once she'd saved enough


猜到 Guess

猜到他的話 Guessed what he was saying

猜到她的話 Guessed what she was saying


獨到 Original


打到 Call, Hits, Strikes


扔到 Drop onto, Drops onto, Dropping onto, Dropped onto


找到 Find, Look for, Found

找到 Go out and find

找到 Wants to find

找到 Didn't find

找到 Could find

可以找到 Can find, Could find

堆中找到 Searching within, Searching around (within a pile of things)

所能找到 Can find

總算找到 Finally found

她醒來在枕下找到 She woke up and found beneath her pillow, On awakening she found beneath her pillow, She had awakened and found beneath her pillow

找到 Find, Found

找到 Find him, Finds him, Found him

找到 Find her, Finds her, Found her

如何找到 How to find him

已經都讓男爵的黨羽找到 Has all been found by the Baron's henchmen

找到他了 Found him

找到他們 Find them

找到其他人 Find the others

找到她了 Found her

找到工作 Found work

找到方法 Find a way, Find some way

找到這個 Found this

找到了一些 Found some

找到電話後 After finding a phone

找到一塊碎布 Found a piece of cloth, Came across a piece of cloth

找到住的地方 Found a place to live

找到所有東西連接的空間 Find the space where everything connects

找到好的學習方法就會學好 If you find the a good study method then you can learn well


抓到 Caught, Grasp, Get

抓到 Catch, Caught, Catching

抓到重點 Get the point

尚未完全抓到頭緒 Can't quite get it, Can't quite figure it out


抬到 Carry to

抬到床上 Lift onto the bed


拉到 Pull up (to)


拍到 Showed, Captured, Caught


拖到 Drag to


挖到 Dig into


捉到 Caught

捉到 Caught

什麼都沒有捉到 Didn't catch a thing, Didn't catch anything


掉到 Drop, Drop down, Drop down to

掉到河裡去 Fall into the river, Fell into the river

掉到地上 Drop down to the ground, Dropped down, Dropped

書架上的書本無故掉到地上 Books fell from the book shelf for no reason


被安排到 Assigned to


掛到 Lift onto, Load onto using a crane


接到 Receive, Pick up, Go to pick up

接到 Go straight to, Go directly to

接到 Link to, Connect to

接到 Received

接到機場 Go straight to the airport, Head directly for the airport


推到 Push to, Pushed to

推到 Been pushed

把夾子推到他面前 Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him


提到 Mention, Mentions, Point out

有必要提到 It needs to be mentioned that, It is necessary to mention that

你好像沒提到 You haven't mentioned, You don't seem to have mentioned

提到 Mentioned, Brought up (the subject of)

提到過的 Mentioned


換到 Change to, Switch to, In exchange for

換到 Switched, Changed to

把重量轉換到 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to

把重量轉換到單腳 Shift weight to one foot

把重量轉換到單腳時 While shifting weight to one foot, As weight is shifted to one foot


搬到 Move to


摔到 Fall down

差一點摔到地上 Almost fell down, Almost fell on their ass


摸到 Touch, Touched, Feel, Felt

摸到什麼硬硬的 Felt something hard


撐到 Last until

沒辦法撐到永遠 Couldn't take it for ever, Wouldn't last for ever


撞到 Hit, Collide

撞到 Hit somebody, Run into somebody

頭部撞到岩石 Hit head on a rock


撼到 To cause shock


不驚擾到 Not disturb, Not startle

小心不驚擾到 So as not to disturb, Trying not to disturb


擊到 Hit against, Thrown against


輪到 Take a turn, His or her or their turn

輪到你當老師 Then it will be your turn to be the teacher


輸到 Instill into, Pump into, Instills into, Pumps into


轉到 Switch to, Change to, Rotated to, Transfer

把一筆款項轉到 Transfer funds, Transfer a sum of money

把所有的髒東西轉到 Transfer all of the dirt

幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to


帶到 Bring to, Bring, Brought to, Carry, Carried to, Take to

帶到 Taken to

帶到 Take to

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