Index for words including 十


Ten, Number, 10, Complete, Perfect, Cross, Cross Shape, Crucifix

Word Links for words containing 十 (sorted via character pairs)

十 shiˊ
Ten, Number, 10, Complete, Perfect, Cross, Cross Shape, Crucifix

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


十號 Ten, Tenth, Number 10


十足 Pure, Out-and-out, Downright, Complete, Completely, Utterly, Perfectly, One hundred percent

聽起來十足的疲憊 Sounded completely exhausted


十四 Fourteen, 14

十四 Fourteen years old

十四 Until the age of fourteen

在家自學到十四 Home-schooled up until the age of fourteen


十國 Ten Kingdoms

五代十國 Five Dynasties and Ten Kindoms


十點 Ten O'Clock

十點 Ten thirty

十點半的約 Ten-thirty date, Date at ten-thirty


十月 October, Oct


十幾 A dozen, A dozen or so

十幾 A dozen, More than a dozen

十幾 A dozen or so

十幾 A dozen times

看了十幾 Looked at a dozen times, Watched a dozen times

過程反覆十幾 Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times

他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times

十幾家汽車旅館 A dozen motels


十發 Disperse ten rounds


五光十色 Multicolored beauty


十包 Carry ten bags of rice


十名隊員 Ten team members


十多年前的 A decade ago, A decade previously


十年 10 years

十年 Couple of decades, Several decades

曾經相處十年 Known each other for 10 years, 10 year association

十年 10 years before

十年 About 10 years ago

十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him ten years ago


十個 Ten, 10


十倍 Ten times


十億 One billion

十億 A billion


十秒 Ten seconds, 10 seconds

歷時十秒完成 Took all of ten seconds, Took about ten seconds to finish


一目十行 Read ten lines in a single glance, Fast reader


十六 Sixteen, 16

十六 Sixteen Kingdoms

十六 Sixteen tribes

十六 Sixteen page

五胡十六 Sixteen Kingdoms of the Five Barbarians

十六小時 Sixteen hours

工作了十六小時 Worked for sixteen hours

十六進位 Hexadecimal

十六進位的 Hexadecimal

在那十六小時裡 In those sixteen hours


十字 Cross, Cross shape

十字 Cross Hands

查令十字 Charing Cross road

十字準心 Crosshairs

十字路口 Crossroads


十次 Ten times

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 She is proved right nine out of ten times


十全十美 Perfect, Perfection

十全十美的人 Perfect person


十八 Eighteen, 18

等她滿十八歲了 When she turns eighteen, When she turned eighteen

十八 Eighteen

十八 Eighteen year old

看起來像十八 Look eighteen years old, Pass for eighteen years old


十公尺高 Ten meter tall, Ten meters tall

十公尺高的字 Ten meter tall letters

十公尺高的字寫出 Written out in ten meter tall letters

十公尺高的字寫出的標語 A slogan written out in ten meter tall letters


十分 Completely, Complete

十分 Not fully, Not completely

十分之一 One tenth

十分可愛 Very cute

十分必要 Essential, Necessary

十分歡樂 Completely happy

十分滿意 Completely satisfied, Deeply satisfied

十分爽口 Refreshing (taste)

十分理想 Perfect, Perfectly suited, Ideal

十分疼愛 Cherished

十分突出 Very prominent

十分鐘前 Ten minutes ago

十分驚訝 Astonished, Completely surprised

十分逼近法 Digit-by-digit calculation

並不十分懷疑 Not quite believing

十分鐘前到的 Arrived ten minutes ago

並不十分懷疑地 Not quite believingly

看上去十分寂寞 Looked lonely, Looking lonely

十分有效 Effective, Completely effective

總是十分有趣 Completely interesting

十分相信 Believe completely

十分相信 Didn't really believe it

卻不十分相信 But didn't really believe it


十美 Perfectly beautiful

十全十美 Perfect, Perfection

十全十美的人 Perfect person


十萬 One hundred thousand, 100 000

十萬個原子 One hundred thousand atoms

十萬 One-hundred thousand

十萬 One hundred thousand watts

十萬 Hundred thousand acres

十萬瓦的電力 One hundred thousand watts of power

用到十萬瓦的電力 Used one hundred thousand watts of power

它用到十萬瓦的電力 It used one hundred thousand watts of power


十一 Eleven, 11

一下子就衝到十一 Goes all the way up (past 10) to 11, (on a scale of 1 to 10) goes all the way up to 11

十一 November, Nov

十一 Eleven times

十一 Eleven years old

不下十一 No fewer than eleven times, No less than eleven times

十一萬五千五百 One hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred, 115 500


十三 Thirteen, 13

十三 Thirteen years

十三 Thirteen races, Thirteen tribes

十三 Thirteen years old

十三 Shisanhang, a culture of the Taiwan metal age

曾在部隊待過十三 Served in the army for 13 years

十三個人種 Thirteen races of man, Thirteen races

她才十三歲而已 She's only thirteen


十五 Fifteen, 15

十五 15 years

十五分鐘 Takes 15 minutes

十五年前 15 Years before

十五年後 15 years later, After fifteen years


十二 Twelve, 12

三百十二 Three hundred and twelve, 312

十二 Twelve way, Twelve ways

十二 The twelth

十二 December, Dec

十二 Twelve years old, Twelve year old

十二 12 o'clock

十二 Nearly 12 o'clock

黃道十二 The 12 signs of the zodiac

十二小時 Twelve hours

十二月份 Twelve months

十二道鎖 Twelve locks

十二點前 Before 12 o'clock

十二十三歲 Early teens

十二小時內 Within twelve hours

十二點一到 As soon as it was 12 o'clock

十二點四十 Twelve forty

一扇有十二道鎖的大門 A gate with twelve locks

派遣了十二名科學家搭載探測器 Dispatched 12 scientists carrying surveying equipment

十二指腸 Duodenum

指豬的十二指腸 Pig's duodenum

十二名科學家 Twelve scientists

派遣了十二名科學家 Dispatched 12 scientists


十元又三十分 Ten dollars and thirty cents


兩百一十磅 Two hundred and ten pounds

兩百一十磅 Weighing two hundred and ten pounds


十歲 10 years old, Ten years old

十歲女兒 Ten year old daughter

庫珀的十歲女兒 Cooper's ten year old daughter


把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我吧 Tell me everything that happened


十九 Nineteen, 19

十九 19 years old

十九世紀 Nineteenth-century


十指 Ten fingers, Fingers


十七 Seventeen, 17

百分之十七 Seventeen percent


四十 Forty, 40

十二點四十 Twelve forty

四十 Forty five, 45

四十 Four hunder thousand

四十五度角 45 degree angle, Forty-five degree angle

四十五度角 Positioned at a 45 degree angle


幾十 Dozens

幾十 Billions

幾十 A few decades

幾十 Few hundred thousand, Several hundred thousand

幾十 Worth billions

過去幾十 Past few decades

幾十年來 For decades

幾十年前 Several decades before, Several decades earlier

在過去幾十年內 Within the past few decades

幾十萬畝 Few hundred thousand acres

幾十公尺下 Dozens of meters below, Several dozen meters below

幾十億的利益 Worth billions in profit, Worth billions

在過去幾十年內發展出來 Been developed within the last few decades


第十 Ten

第十 Eighteenth

第十二年 Year 12


百分之十 Ten percent


六十 Sixty, 60

六十出頭 Early sixties

六十 Sixty two, 62

六十 Sixty-six


八十 Eighty, 80

兩百八十 280, Two hundred and eighty

起碼有百分之八十 At least eighty percent

八十 Eighty years

一百八十 180 degrees, One-hundred and eighty degrees

兩百八十 Two hundred and eight eight, 288

攝氏八十 Eighty degrees Celsius

百分之八十 85\%, Eighty-five percent

幾乎一百八十 Nearly 180 degrees

他花了八十年才成功 It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed

她花了八十年才成功 It took her eighty years to do it, It took her eighty years to accomplish

八十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him eighty years ago

有著幾乎一百八十度的景觀 With an almost 180 degree view


一五一十 Tell it exactly as it happened, Count five at a time


三十 Thirty, 30

一千零三十 One thousand and thirty, 1030

三十 Thirty-one, 31

三十 Thirty-two

三十 Thirty-five, 35

三十 Thirty seconds

只要三十 Only took 30 seconds

十元又三十 Ten dollars and thirty cents

三十七歲 Thirty-seven years old

不到三十英尺 Less than thirty feet

我需要三十分鐘 I need 30 minutes, Give me 30 minutes

原定全長三十一日 Was originally intended to last for 31 Days

三十五歲 35 years old

超過三十五歲 More than 35 years old, Closer to forty years old than thirty


五十 Fifty, 50

一百五十 One hundred and fifty, 150

三百五十 Three hundred and fifty

五十 Fifty-six, 56

五十 50 miles

五十 Fifty-four

一百五十 One-hundred and fifty men

三百五十 Three hundred and fifty

我才五十一歲 I'm only 51 years old

你都快五十歲了 You are already 50 years old

這裡東北方五十哩處 50 miles northeast of here


二十 Twenty, 20

二十二吋 Twenty-two inch, Twenty-two inches

二十 Twenty-one, 21

二十 Twenty-two

二十 Twenty-five

二十 Two billion

二十 Twenty-Four, 24

二十 More than twenty

二十 Twenty degrees

二十 Twenty pounds

二十 Twenty seconds

二十 Twenty pages

百分之二十 21\%, Twenty-one percent

一千四百二十 One thousand four hundred and twenty five, 1425

至少寫了二十 Written at least 20 times

二十一歲 Twenty-one years old

我一滿二十一歲 As soon as I turned twenty-one

二十公尺 Twenty meters

二十公里 Twenty kilometers

二十分鐘 Twenty minutes

二十四式 24 Style

二十多年 More than twenty years

二十年前 Twenty years ago

二十秒鐘 Twenty seconds

二十公尺高 Twenty meter tall, Twenty meters tall

二十四個月 24 months

二十三歲 Early teens

一天二十四小時 Twenty-four hours a day

教了二十年的書 Taught for twenty years

二十世紀末 Late twentieth century

二十一世紀初 Early twenty-first century

二十分鐘後 Twenty minutes later

也許再過二十分鐘吧 Maybe about 20 more minutes

一切發生在僅僅二十分鐘內 It had all happened in just 20 minutes

二十四小時內 Within 24 hours

到我二十一歲左右的時候 When I was 21 years old or thereabouts


九十 Ninety, 90

四百九十 Four hundred and ninety, 490

一百九十 One hundred and ninety pounds


七十 Seventy, 70

七百七十 Seven hundred and seventy, 770

七十 Seventy years old

一百七十 One hundred and seventy five, 175

看起來至少七十 Looked to be at least seventy, Looked at least seventy years old

時速一百七十五公里 175 kph, 175 kilometers per hour

遇上時速一百七十五公里的沙塵暴 Encountered a 175 kph sandstorm

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