Index for words including 均


All, Also, To Be Fair, Equal, Even, Uniform

Word Links for words containing 均 (sorted via character pairs)

均 jun¯
All, Also, To Be Fair, Equal, Even, Uniform

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


均勻 Uniform, Even

均勻混和 Mixed together

使均勻受熱 To heat evenly, For even heating

把重量均勻分佈 Evenly distribute the weight, Evenly distribute your weight, Center the weight, Center your weight

把重量均勻分佈在 Evenly distribute the weight over, Evenly distribute your weight over, Center the weight on, Center your weight over


均衡 Balanced, Symmetrical


均分 Evenly divided

均分成兩半 Divided evenly into two halves


均非 Neither, Not, None


年均 Every year (inclusive)


人均 Per capita


不均 Unbalanced


平均 Balanced, Even, Equal, Equally, Average, On average

平均 Daily average

平均 Is even, Is equal, Is balanced, Was even, Was equal, Was balanced

二點零平均 Average of 2.0, 2.0 average

平均 Balanced, Evenly, Equally

平均分佈 Evenly distribute, Evenly distributed, Even

平均分成兩份 Divided evenly into two portions

二點零平均成績 Grade average of 2.0, 2.0 average

平均分佈在雙腳 Even on both feet, Evenly distributed between both feet

平均自由路徑 Mean free path

分子間連續碰撞的平均自由路徑 Mean free path, Average distance over which a moving particle changes direction or energy as a result of successive collisions with other particles

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