Index for words including 怖


Terrified, Afraid, Frightened

Word Links for words containing 怖 (sorted via character pairs)

怖 buˋ
Terrified, Afraid, Frightened

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


怖地 Frighteningly, Terribly


恐怖 Monstrous, Terrible, In terror, Terror, Horror

愛情恐怖 Romance-horror, Romance and horror

恐怖主義 Terrorism, Terrorist

恐怖分子 Terrorist

恐怖書刊 Horror novel or novels

恐怖主義活動 Terrorism, Terrorist activities, Terrorist

恐怖的瘤 Monstrous growth, Monstrous growths

兩個恐怖的瘤 Two monstrous growths

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