Index for words including 想


Think, Believe, Wish, Miss, Want, Imagine, Idea

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


暈眩想吐 Queasy, Queasiness


想喝 Want to drink water

想喝點茶嗎 Would your like some tea?


問他是不是想嘔 Ask him if he needs to vomit


想跟他聊拳擊 Want to talk to him about boxing, Wants to talk to him about boxing, Wanting to talk to him about boxing, Wanted to talk to him about boxing

想跟她聊拳擊 Want to talk to her about boxing, Wants to talk to her about boxing, Wanting to talk to her about boxing, Wanted to talk to her about boxing


想明白了 Understood, Realized


想暗 Imply, Implying


原本想問 Was going to ask


想開 Get over a loss, Thoughts opening up after getting over a loss


想見 Want to see, Imagine

不難想見 No doubt, Predictably

可以想見 Can imagine


想剛 Didn't think that just


想用 Want to use


想出 Come up with, Think of

曾經想出 Had come up with

想出 Think up, Come up with (an idea)

想出道理來 Figure it out

想出來約會嗎 Do you want to come out for a date

想出辦法來解決 Come up with a solution

那類會想出道理來的人 The sort of person who could figure it out

想出辦法 Figure out a way, come up with a means of

想出來了一個辦法 Come up with a means of, Come up with a method for

想出道理 Figure it out

想出道理 Could figure it out


想了 Thought of, Thought up

想了 Thought about it

想了一下 Thought about it, Thought about this, Thought for awhile

想了一會兒 Taking a moment to think, Taking some time to think, Thinking for a moment


想飛 Imagine flying, Desire to fly


想學 Still want to study


想象 Imagine


想先吃點東西 Want to eat first, Want something to eat first


想知 Want to know, Wanted to know

想知 You want to know

想知 You want to know

超過他想知 More than he wanted to know

想知道是否 Would wonder whether or not

不會想知道的事 Wouldn't want to know about

想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors


你在想什 What are you thinking?

你到底他媽的在想什 What the fuck were you thinking?


我也想你 I've missed you too


想做 Wants to do


想偷 Think about stealing


想像 Imagine, Imagines, Imagining, Imagined, Think, Wonder

想像 She imagined

很難想像 Difficult to imagine

無法想像 Can't imagine, Couldn't imagine, Can't conceive, Couldn't conceive, Can't think of, Couldn't think of

難以想像 Unimaginable

你一定很難想像 You probably find it difficult to imagine

想像 Imagination

想像 Imaginary

想像 Imagined, Pictured, Visualized

想像力豐富 Imaginative, Capable of imagination

永遠想像不到 Never imagine, Never imagined, Never envisioned

比他想像中來得大 Bigger than he thought, Bigger than he imagined

比你能想像的還要大 Bigger than you could imagine

想像他此刻在做什麼 Wondered what he was doing right now, Wondering what he was doing right now

想像她此刻在做什麼 Wondering what she was doing right now

想像他們此刻在做什麼 Wondering what they were doing right now


想儘快跟你見面 Wants to meet with you as soon as possible


想看 Want to see, Wish to see

想看 Imagine, Visualize, See if you will

想看不想看 Whether you wanted to see or not

想看 To check, To see, To try out

我只是想看 I just want to see, I just wanted to see


他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit


想從 Want from


思前想後 Think before and after


想得出來 Think of, Think up

想得出來 Ever think of, Ever think up


想方設法 Find ways


想辦 Think of something quickly

想辦 Think of something, Come up with a means of

想辦法逼他 Managed to get him to, Coerced him into, Got him to

他會想辦法阻止她 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

她會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him


想家 Home sick, Miss home


想寫信給他 Wanted to write to him


想法 Idea, Ideas, Thoughts, State of mind

有個想法 Had an idea

有幾個想法 Had a few ideas, Have a few ideas

瘋狂的想法 Crazy idea

這樣的想法 This thought, These thoughts

掌握他們的想法 Master their thoughts, Think like them

忽然有個瘋狂的想法 Suddenly had a crazy idea

想法或反應 Think or react, Thought or reaction

和大多數人的想法相反者 Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think

我的想法相反 I am of the opposite opinion, My opinion is the complete opposite

我的想法正好相反 It seems as if I am of the opposite opinion


想通 Convince, Convinced

想通 Convinced


想過 Thought

想過 He had thought, It had occurred to him

從來都沒想過 Had never thought, Had never suspected

想過 Thought of, Thought about


想必 Presumably

想必 Think it must have been, Thinks it must have been, Thinking it must have been, Thought it must have been, Must have been


想入非非 Get ideas


想念 Miss, Give thought to, Thinking of, Reminiscing, Want to study, Wants to study, Wanting to study, Wanted to study

像在想念 Seems to miss, Seemingly reminiscing

還是會想念 Still missed him, Missed him

上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university


想當 Wants to become

想當 In those days, Back in the day


想著 Thinking

心裡想著 Thinking, Believing

模糊想著 Vaguely thinking, Vaguely thought

心裡模糊想著 Vaguely thinking, Vaguely thought


想一 Think, Think about it

把事情的邏輯再想一 Run through the logic of matter one more time


想到 Think of, Thought, Realized

想到 Once I started thinking about, No sooner had I thought of, Once they started thinking about, No sooner had they began to think about

想到 Does not think, Did not think (that), Can't believe, Don't believe, Can't imagine, Didn't imagine, Would never have imagined

我沒想到 I never thought, I never imagined

真沒想到 Truly did not expect

立刻想到 Immediately thought of

他這才想到 It occurred to him, He realized

不過我沒想到 But I never thought

讓她有點想到 Reminded her a little of

那可是我沒想到 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that

想到 Thinking of, Thought of

幾乎想到 Almost knew, Almost realized

我所能想到 All I can think of is

好久沒想到他了 Hadn't thought about him in ages

那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of


想不 Couldn't think of, Didn't think of, Can't imagine

想不 Not thinking, Not realizing, Won't believe

想不 Was willing or not, Would mind or not

想不 Cannot remember

想不 Unexpected, Out of the blue, Surprising

想不出任何方法搞出 Can't figure out a way, Can't come up with a plan for

想表達卻想不起來的 Wanted to say but couldn't


想天 To have wonderful ideas

想天 Whimsical


想西 Constantly thinking about different things


想要 Want, Wanted, Want to

想要 He wants, He wanted to, He would like

想要 She wants, She wanted to, She would like

他們想要 They want, They wanted to, They would like

想要 Wants to get, Wants to become, Wants to reach

想要 Want

想要 Wanted to drive

想要小孩 Want kids, Wanted kids

想要捉小羊 Wanted to catch the lamb, Wanted to catch a lamb

想要開發 Wanted to develop, Want to develop

想要做什麼 Want to do, Wanted to do

想要放棄的 Desire to give up, Want to give in

他會想要參一腳 He will want to join, He will want to get involved, He would want to join, He would want to get involved

想要把他們找回來 Wanted them to return, Wanted their return

想要永遠待在那兒 He wanted to stay there forever

想要取得信用貸款 You wish to obtain a line of credit

某種這些人想要的東西 A particular something that these people want

那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return


想而 One can imagine


想些什麼 Thinking about what


想都別想 Don't even think about it


想幫 Want's to help


想起 Think of, Thought of, Reminded of

讓人想起 Reminiscent

這讓他想起 This reminded him of, It reminded him of

被迫再次想起 Forced to again think about

想起 Thought of

想起 Remember, Think of

隨即想起 Then remembered, Then suddenly remembered

但隨即想起 But then remembered, But then suddenly remembered

我剛好想起 I've just realized, Now it occurs to me that

想起來了 Remembered, Could remember

才又想起他來 Only then thought of him again

好像忽然想起一樣 As if suddenly remembering, As if suddenly having an afterthought


想越 Get angrier the more one thinks


其中開放的妙想地 Within open ground of fancy


想賣 Wanted to sell


想表達卻想不起來的 Wanted to say but couldn't


想盡 Think up, Try


想想 On second thought

你該想想 You should think about it, You should do some thinking

好好想想 Contemplate, Think deeply about, Think about

我來想想 Let me think about it, Let me think


想打 Wants to fight

想打給誰 Meant to call who


想找 Wanted to find a

想找 Wants to find

想找別的東西抓 Looking for something else to grab

想找個把風的工作 He sought a job as a lookout, He looked for work as a lookout


想也不意外 Not unexpected, Not surprising

用不著多想也知道 Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute


想都別想 Don't even think about it


只想 Only wanted, Just wanted

心中只想 Only thought, Main thought

只想 Only want, Only wants, Only wanted, Just want, Just wants, Just wanted

似乎只想 Ever seemed to want


回想 Recollect, Recall, Reflect, Look back on, Remember

回想 Thinking back on

回想 Recall, Remind, Reminded

讓他回想 Reminded him


最想 Most wanted

最想 Want to see the most


我只是想 I was only trying


暗想 Think, Ponder, Muse, Turn over in one's mind

暗想 He thought to himself, He thought

暗想 She thought to herself, She thought

心中暗想但沒說出口 Thought but didn't say


思想 Think of, Thoughts, Ideas, Ideology

當時人民的思想與生活 The thoughts and lives of people at that time


冥想 Deep meditation


幻想 Fantasy, Reverie

長長的幻想 Long reverie, Long daydream, Long fantasy

他進入長長的幻想 He went into a long reverie


預想 Expectation, Prediction


了想 Thought about it


所想 Think, Thought

所想 I thought

比我所想的要危險得多 A lot more dangerous than I thought


休想 Don't even think about it


我想 I think, I believe, I suppose

我想 I thought of, I realized

我想 I want, I would like

如果我想 If I wanted to

我想不出 I can't imagine, I didn't think

我想應該不是 I suppose not

我想知道 I want to know

我想應該是 I suppose that

我想我可以 I think I can

如果我想當個 If I wanted to be a

我想和你約會 I'd like to go on a date with you

我想搞清楚狀況 I'm trying to figure out what's going on, I'm trying to figure out the situation, I want to find out what's going on, I want to find out

你讓我想到一件事 You've given me an idea, You've given me a thought, You've made me think of something

我想你可以這麼說 I think you could say, I guess you could say that

我想我看到一個了 I believe I see one know

我想是時候放棄了 I think it's time to give up.

我想跟你講個故事 I want to tell you a story


亂想 Thinking in a muddled way

胡思亂想 Have a bee in one's bonnet


很想 Really wanted


就想 Thinking, Preparing, Getting ready

就想 Then was reminded of, Then began thinking about

就想走下去 Thinking to go down

很快就想通了 Was quickly convinced, Didn't have to ponder for too long


妄想 Day dream, Fantasy


設想 Imagine, Conceive

預先設想 Thought of in advance, Anticipate

預先設想好了 Anticipated


空想 Fantasy


感想 Opinion, Mental reaction, Mental impression, Impression


我倒喜歡這麼想 I like to think so, I like to think


癡想 Daydream, Fantasize

癡想 Daydreaming, Fantasizing


不堪涉想 Unthinkable, Don't bear thinking about


心想 Thought, Wondered

心想 He thought to himself, He thought, He figured

心想 She thought to herself, She thought, She figured

他醒來時心想 He woke up thinking

心想事成 Think and then it happens


裡想 Thoughts, Believes, Thinks, In one's mind thinks


會想 Will think, Would think


夢想 Dream

夢想 Dream's

夢想成真 Dream come true, Realize a dream, Make a dream come true


著想 For the sake of

為人著想 Thinks about other people

是為速度著想 For the sake of speed

為她的未來著想 Thinking about her future


一想 Think, Think about it


不想 Do not wish to, Do not want, Not thought about, Not pondered

不想 Did not want, Does not want

不想 Was willing or not, Would mind or not

誰也不想 No one wanted, No one wanted to

一點兒也不想 I didn't want to

不想 Didn't want to come

不想 Do not want to go to, Did not want to go to

不想 Not wanting to use

不想 Do not want to be, Don't want to become

不想 Doesn't want to allow

想看不想 Whether you wanted to see or not

不想看見 Didn't want to see

不想知道 Doesn't want to know

不想這樣死 Didn't want to die like this

不想直接回答 Didn't want to answer directly

不想站在這兒 Didn't want to stand here

不想聽故事 I don't want to hear a story

不想你的家人嗎 Don't you miss your family

不想嗅到什麼 Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything

不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life

像一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell

不想往下看 He did not want to look down

不想往下看 She did not want to look down

不想看到你 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

不想看到妳 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you


甭想 Don't think


正想 Truly wanted (to)


理想 Ideal, Ideals, Idea(s), Thought(s)

中心理想 Central ideal

十分理想 Perfect, Perfectly suited, Ideal

理想狀態 Ideal state, Ideal condition

沉思的理想狀態 Ideal state for meditation, Meditation groove

距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal


東想西想 Constantly thinking about different things


聯想 Associate

字彙聯想 Word association

聯想 Thought of, Made the connection

聯想 Not thought of, Not made the connection


幾乎勢必會去想 Would almost certainly have to wonder


嘲弄地想 Snidely thought

心慌意亂地想 Worriedly wondered, Thought of worriedly


奇想 Fantasy, Make belief, Whimsy


構想 Plan, Idea, Scheme

略微觸及的構想 Ideas barely touched upon


樣想 Believe this, Think this


在想 I am thinking, I think


猜想 Guess, Surmise, Supposed, Speculate

猜想 She guessed, She surmised

心裡猜想 Wonder if, Wondering if, Wondering whether

猜想會發生什麼 Speculate on what was about to happen, Guessing what was going to occur

猜想他永遠也不會 Surmised he never would

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