Index for words including 捕


Seize, Catch

Word Links for words containing 捕 (sorted via character pairs)

捕 buˇ
Seize, Catch

Words containing

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捕魚 Catch fish

不易出海捕魚 Not easy to go out to sea to fish

風雨交加導致不易出海捕魚 Wind and rain make it difficult to go out to sea to fish

捕魚方式 Method for catching fish, Fishing technique

特別捕魚方式 Special method for catching fish

捕魚為業 Fisherman


掩目捕雀 Try to catch a bird with eyes closed, An act of self-deception


捕殺 Hunt

互相捕殺 Hunting each other


捕抓 Catch, Caught, Catching


捕捉 Catch, Capture, Seize, Arrest, Hunt down

努力捕捉 Attempted to catch, Tried to catch, Endeavored to catch

用他們的手臂努力捕捉 Tried to catch in their arms

捕捉 Caught


圍捕 Round up


追捕 Pursue, Hunt, Chase, Pursuit

進城都是為了追捕 Came to town hunting for

追捕 Hunting you

追捕 Pursuer, Pursuers

他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit


逮捕 Arrest, Arrested

逮捕 Been arrested

逮捕 Been arrested

逮捕了他 Captured him, Arrested him, Brought him to justice

逮捕了她 Captured her, Arrested her, Brought her to justice

逮捕他一次 Arrest him again

逮捕她一次 Arrest her again

十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him ten years ago

八十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him eighty years ago

你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone


被捕 Been arrested

被捕之前 Before being caught, Before being arrested

被捕 After being arrested, Having been arrested

被捕 You are under arrest

被捕 You are under arrest


獵捕 Hunt, Hunting


抓捕 Captured, Arrested, Seized

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