Index for words including 揮


Wield, Conduct, Swing, Direct, Squander, Wave, Wipe, Brandish, Scatter, Strum

Word Links for words containing 揮 (sorted via character pairs)

揮 hui¯
Wield, Conduct, Swing, Direct, Squander, Wave, Wipe, Brandish, Scatter, Strum

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


揮出 Swing, Swing a bat


揮舞 Wave, Waving, Brandish, Wield, Wielding

胡亂揮舞 Waved wildly, Flailed, Flailed about

揮舞 Waving, Flailing

揮舞望遠鏡 Telescope-wielding, Wielding a telescope


揮動 Wield, Wields, Wielding, Wielded, Wave, Waves, Waving, Waved,


揮手 Wave, Waves, Waving, Waved, Wave hand, Wave goodbye

朝下面的小孩們揮手 Wave at the children below, Waved at the children below

揮手召喚 Beckoned, Gestured

揮手回應 Wave back, Waved back

朝她揮手回應 Wave back to her, Waved back to her


揮一 Waved


揮琵 Lift Hands Play Guitar, Strum Lute


揮走 Wave away, Waved away


揮揮 Flapped

揮揮雙手 Flapped both hands


揮轉 Swing, Wave

揮轉一圈 Swing around

弧形揮轉一圈 Swing around in an arc


發揮 Perform, Exert, Act, Realize, Reach, Achieve, Unleash, Bring skill into full play, Utilize skill, Utilize talent

發揮作用 Task, Role, Produce a result, To be effective

發揮的作用 Task, Role, Play a role

無法發揮作用 Unable to do their job, Unable to function, Unable to take action

它該發揮的作用 Its role, Its task, What it should do, What it was supposed to do

發揮功能 Working on, Doing their job

發揮功能了 Get working on, Get to work on

發揮他們的潛力 Realize their potential, Reach their potential

完全發揮他們的潛力 Fully realize their potential, Reach their full potential


一揮 Waved


指揮 Command, Command, Direct

聯合軍隊指揮 Joint Forces Command

指揮 Command tower, Control tower

指揮 Commanding officer

任務指揮 Mission Commander

最佳指揮 Best commanding officer, Best leader

指揮若定 Competent leadership, Retain composure even while in-charge of a big operation

指揮行動的 Commanding, In charge

負責指揮一切 In total command

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