Index for words including 植


Set Up, Plant, Erect

Word Links for words containing 植 (sorted via character pairs)

植 zhiˊ
Set Up, Plant, Erect

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


植物 Plant

水生植物 Water plant, Aquatic plants

植物 Botany

在唸植物 While studying botany, In the study of botany

植物學家 Botanist

植物的殘碎 Plant debris, Plant residue, Vegetative residue, Vegetable residue


植入 Insert, Implant, Inserted, Implanted


移植 Transplant, Graft


種植 Plant, Grow, Cultivate

種植 Planted

種植 Planted

種植蔬菜 Grow vegetables

種植面積 Planting area, Growing area

土地種植向日葵 Land for growing sunflowers

台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat


培植 Cultivate

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