Index for words including 楚


Clear, Distinct, Distinguishable, Unambiguous, Orderly, Place Name, Suffering, Pain, Chu State

Word Links for words containing 楚 (sorted via character pairs)

楚 chuˇ
Clear, Distinct, Distinguishable, Unambiguous, Orderly, Place Name, Suffering, Pain, Chu State

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


清清楚楚地 Clearly


痛楚 Pain, Anguish


清楚 Clear, Clearly, Without ambiguity, Understand, Understood, Know, Knew

清楚 Unclear, Not understood, Uncertainty

清楚 Become clear

清楚 Make clear, Clarify, Now for sure

清楚 More clear

清楚 Saw clearly, Read, Read and understand

不太清楚 Not very clear, Not sure

先說清楚 To be clear, For the record

沒聽清楚 Didn't hear clearly

還不清楚 Still unclear, Still not understood

非常清楚 Was extremely clear, Saw clearly, Knew better

顯像清楚 Visualize, See clearly, Resolve

如有不清楚 If anything is unclear, If there is anything you don't understand

看得更清楚 See more clearly

難以聽清楚 Difficult to hear

一點也不清楚 Not at all clear, There was nothing clear

你比誰都清楚 You know better than anyone

說明得很清楚 Describe clearly, Described clearly

這點他很清楚 About this he was very clear

就是必須搞清楚 Just have to know, Just have to see for one's self first-hand

把需要的說清楚 Make it clear what you need, Make it clear what is needed

音量太高太尖難以聽清楚 Too loud and shrill to hear clearly

清楚 See clearly

慢慢清楚 Slowly clearing

清楚楚地 Clearly

寫得很清楚 Written very clearly, Clearly spelled out, Clearly stated

把整件事說清楚 Explain the whole thing

清楚可見 Clearly visible

清楚明確 Clear, Unambiguous

清楚哪裡出了問題 Find out exactly what the problem was

清楚狀況 Figure out the situation, Figure out what's going on

我想搞清楚狀況 I'm trying to figure out what's going on, I'm trying to figure out the situation, I want to find out what's going on, I want to find out

你很清楚自己在幹什麼 You know what you are doing

看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing


晉楚 Jin State and Chu State


一清二楚 Crystal clear

記得一清二楚 Remembered clearly

什麼都看得一清二楚 Could see everything clearly

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