Index for words including 決


Determine, Decide, Conclude, Judge, Certain, Sure, Definite, Execute, Put To Death, Break, Burst, Breach

Word Links for words containing 決 (sorted via character pairs)

決 jueˊ
Determine, Decide, Conclude, Judge, Certain, Sure, Definite, Execute, Put To Death, Break, Burst, Breach

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


決策 Make policy


決議 Resolution, Resolve, Decision


決賽 Competition finals, Tournament final round

決賽 Semi-final


決定 Decision, Decide, Decides, Deciding, Decided

決定 I decided

決定 Finally decide (to)

一個決定 A decision

下的決定 The next decision, The resulting decision

做下決定 Made a decision, Made the decision

自我決定 Decide for one's self

可自我決定 Can decide for one's self

做了一個決定 Made a decision

我讓你自己決定 I'll let you decide

決定 Decided, Dictated, Determined

決定 Decisive, Decide, Decides, Deciding, Decided, Determine, Determines, Determining, Determined

決定採取 Decided to use, Decided to adopt, Decided to take

決定性因素 Decisive factor, Determining factor

決定還是有效 Decision is still valid, Decision was still valid

決定接通過武力迫使 Decide to use force of arms to compel

決定正確曝光 Determine the correct exposure

決定正確曝光 To determine the correct exposure

測量主體亮度以決定正確曝光 Measure subject brightness to determine correct exposure

決定先吃飯再開始幹活 He decided to eat first and then start work

決定先吃飯再開始幹活 She decided to eat first and then start work


決心 Determination

決心 Make up your mind

決心 Determined, Resolute

下定決心 Determined

我已經下定決心 I am determined


決不 Never, Not at all, Definitely not

決不 Certainly won't


決堤 Collapse of an embankment or dyke


絞決 Death by hanging, Death by strangulation


堅決 Determined, Firm, Resolute


解決 Solve (problem), Resolve, Settle (dispute), Dispatch or finish off (enemy troops)

解決 In order to solve, To deal with

想出辦法來解決 Come up with a solution

解決 Solved, Resolved, Settled, Answered, Finished, Finished off

解決了的話 If it is solved

解決這個問題 Solve this problem, Resolve this issue

解決糧食危機 In order to solve food crisis, To solve food shortage problem

在你和銀行解決問題的過程裡 While you and the bank resolve any difficulties

解決方法 Solution method, Solution

內建的解決方法 Built in solution

有個內建的解決方法 Had a solution built in, Had a built in solution


對決 Showdown, Playoff, Match

一場大對決 A showdown, A big match


判決 Judgement, Verdict, Sentence


一決 Once decided, Once the decision had been made

心意一決 With mind made up


狐疑不決 Undecided, Hesitant, Unsure

猶豫不決 Indecisive


否決 Veto


取決 Depends on, Depend on

取決 Depending on


處決 Executed

公開處決 Publicly executed


裁決 Ruling


表決 Vote

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