Index for words including 法

faˇ, faˊ, fa¯, faˋ

Method, Style, French, Law, Way Of Doing, Pattern, Regulation, (Fa4), Translit for F

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


法戰 Sino-French war


法屬波利尼西亞 French Polynesia (France)


法國 France


法羅群島 Faroe Islands (Denmark)


法則 Methodology, Method, Legally binding agreement, Mathematical formula


法院 Court of law, Court house


法線 Normal, At ninety degrees

平行法線 Parallel to the normal, At ninety degrees


法子 Method


法醫 Pathologist, Forensic investigator, Forensics


法外 Extra judicial, Extra legal, Outside the law, Taking advantage of gaps in the legal system

逍遙法外 Get away with, Get away with it

逍遙法外的殺手 Killer on the loose


法制 Legal system


法租 French concession


法律 Law

熟悉法律 Familiar with the law, Familiar with law

嘴裡講的法律二字 Would call the law, Would know as the law


法師 Archmage, Grand mage


法文 French

法文名字 French name


法語 French


法官 Court judge, Judge, Magistrate

身為法官 As judge, As the judge

這點省了法官 This point saved the judge from having to


法定 Legal, Stipulated by law


法式 French Style

法式深吻 French kiss

法式甜點 French Style Desserts

法式麵包 French Bread


法庭 Tribunal, Court

異端裁判法庭 The inquisition


法治 Rule of law


法人 Juridical person, Legal entity

財團法人 Corporation, Corporate, Legal entity

財團法人藥害救濟基金會 Corporate drug relief foundation


法令 Laws, Regulations


探索法分 Heuristic analysis


法普 Fop, Fap


法蘭 Flannel

法蘭 Franz

法蘭西絲 Frances


布基納法索 Burkina Faso


法規 Law, Rule of law, Statue


法力 Magical powers, Magical ability

他需要召魂士的法力 He needs the power of a necromancer, He needed the power of a spirit summoner

她需要召魂士的法力 She needs the power of a necromancer, She needed the power of a spirit summoner

讓他更能控制自己的法力 Gave him more control over his magical powers

讓她更能控制自己的法力 Gave her more control over her magical powers

把他們大部分的法力放進一件物品 Place most of their magic into an object


有愉快的稱呼法 Refer to them with pleasant sounding names


民法 Civil law


眼法 Camouflage


用法 Use, How to use something, Application method

意義及用法 Meaning and use, Meaning and usage, Meaning and how to use

在現代用法 In modern usage, In the modern usage

在現代用法上意思就是 In the modern usage meant that


腕法 Three positions of the wrist for writing calligraphy


除法 Division

除法 Short division

多項式的乘法與除法 Polynomial multiplication and division


約法 Provisional constitution, Rules and regulations


變法 Political reform


司法 Judicial, Judiciary

司法範圍 Judicial framework

司法系統 Justice system, System of justice

儒家司法系統 System of Confucian justice


了法 Broke the law


填鴨式教學法 Cram style teaching, Filling students with whatever information they may need in order to pass a test


魯法 Rufus


年法 Recording methods


無法 Unable

無法 Still unable, Still unable to

無法 Then cannot, Then unable to

無法 But can't, But unable to, But am unable, But I am unable to, But I can't, Still can't

無法 And so could not, And so not able to

永達無法 Never

無法光靠 Can't rely on

無法否認 Can't deny

無法回話 Unable to reply, Couldn't answer

無法定居 Unable to settle down

無法專心 Couldn't concentrate, Unable to concentrate

無法工作 Unable to work

無法想像 Can't imagine, Couldn't imagine, Can't conceive, Couldn't conceive, Can't think of, Couldn't think of

無法打開 Can't open

無法抹去 Unable to erase or blot out

無法排除 Unable to rule out

無法更改 Cannot be changed

無法比較 Unable to compare, Can't be compared

無法確定 Couldn't be sure

無法肯定 No way of telling for sure, No way of being certain

無法行動 Inoperative, Unable to act

無法解釋 Unexplained

無法運作 Won't work, Inoperable, Non-functioning, Non-functional

無法避免 Inevitable, Unavoidable

無法解釋的 Unexplained

無法直接測得 Cannot be measured directly

無法運作的原因 Limiting factor (beyond which a system won't function)

完全無法分辨差異 Indistinguishable, Completely indistinguishable

無法定居在任何地 Unable to settle down anywhere

腦部無法復原的損傷 Permanent brain damage

看出那兒無法伸出援手 Saw no help there

連它本身的重量都無法負荷 Couldn't even lift it's own weight

無法知道 Didn't know

永達無法知道 Never knew

無法發揮作用 Unable to do their job, Unable to function, Unable to take action

因背傷無法工作時 When unable to work due to back injury, While unable to work due to back injury

在她因背傷無法工作時 When she couldn't work because of a back injury, While she couldn't work due to back injuries

無法將視線移開 Unable to look away from

似乎無法將視線移開 Seemed unable to look away from


回波定位法 Echo location

回聲定位法 Echo location


作法 Act in a particular way, Do things in a particular fashion, Approach

友善的作法 Friendly approach, User friendly approach

直覺式的作法 Intuitive approach, An intuitive approach

依舊採取古典作法 Still use this classical method

那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of

作法如下 This is done as follows:, The method is as follows:


依法 Legal, According to the law


做法 Method, Methodology, Way of doing something

下面的做法 The method below


手法 Workmanship, Artistry

寫作手法 Writing style

敘事手法 Narrative technique

魔術手法 Sleight-of-hand

玩的是一樣的手法 Play the same way, Playing in the same way, Run the same racket, Running the same racket


看法 View, Opinion, Idea

我對這件事的看法 My opinon on this matter

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 She is proved right nine out of ten times


乘法 Multiplication

乘法公式 Multiplication formulas, Multiplication formulae

多項式的乘法與除法 Polynomial multiplication and division


律法 Justice


問題回答法 Solution method, Problem solving method, Question answering method


算法 Method of calculation, Arithmetic


效法 Imitate, Emulate, Copy

效法之處 Imitating, Emulating

缺乏值得效法之處 Has little worthy of emulating


文法 Grammar


方法 Method, Means, Protocol, Technique, Way

方法 New method

方法 Have a method for

使用方法 How to use

很多方法 Many methods, Many techniques

找到方法 Find a way, Find some way

耕作方法 Methods of cultivation

解決方法 Solution method, Solution

做事的方法 Way of doing things

得很有方法 Methodically

有很多方法 There are many methods

用什麼方法 How to use, In what way, Somehow

檔案編號方法 File Numbering Methods

內建的解決方法 Built in solution

有個內建的解決方法 Had a solution built in, Had a built in solution

有保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance

這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance

方法 Judge Fang

介紹他是方法 Introduced him as Judge Fang

以某種方法確定 Was somehow certain

以某種方法確定無疑 Was somehow certain, Was somehow sure, Was certain without a doubt

想不出任何方法搞出 Can't figure out a way, Can't come up with a plan for

找到好的學習方法就會學好 If you find the a good study method then you can learn well

用各種方法去旅 Use all kinds of methods to travel, Travel in various ways

會用各種方法去旅 Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways


立法 Legislate


辦法 Method, Technique, Way of doing something

辦法 Have a means, Have a method for

辦法 No way to, Can't, Couldn't

快想辦法 Think of something quickly

想出辦法 Figure out a way, come up with a means of

想想辦法 Think of something, Come up with a means of

我有辦法 I know how

我沒辦法 I can't

沒有辦法 Can't, Couldn't

總有辦法 Always a way, There's always a way

有沒有辦法 Was there some way

他有沒有辦法 Was there some way that he

採取折衷的辦法 Compromised

想出來了一個辦法 Come up with a means of, Come up with a method for

辦法逼他 Managed to get him to, Coerced him into, Got him to

辦法下床 Can't get out of bed

辦法清理 Can't be cleaned, No way to clean, No way to clean up

辦法離開 Could not leave

沒有辦法打開 Can't open, Can't get open

辦法等太久 Can't wait for too long, Can't put it off for too long

一點辦法也沒有 No way at all, Completely impossible

想出辦法來解決 Come up with a solution

辦法撐到永遠 Couldn't take it for ever, Wouldn't last for ever

遇事有辦法變通的 Adaptable, Flexible, Capable of thinking laterally

我沒有辦法事先知道 There's no way I could have known in advance

我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was

我自己一個人沒辦法 I can't do it alone

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

我沒辦法接住你 I can't catch you

我沒辦法接住妳 I can't catch you

他會想辦法阻止她 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

她會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him

我們有沒有辦法阻止它 Is there any way we could stop it?, Would we be able to stop it?

他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

她沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking


合併段意法 Combined section meanings method


章法 Organized


原子量訂法 Atomic weighing method


設法 Devise a means of, Try to, Attempt to

想方設法 Find ways


語法 Grammar


說法 Say

保守說法 Putting it mildly

套句他的說法 To paraphrase him

套句她的說法 To paraphrase her


憲法 Constitution


魔法 Magic, Enchanted

死亡魔法 Death magic

陰影魔法 Shadow magic

他開始學習魔法 He started to learn magic

她開始學習魔法 She started to learn magic

魔法 Magic wand

魔法小島 Magic island, Enchanted island

魔法手指 Magic fingers

魔法森林 A magic forest, Magic forest, An enchanted forest, Enchanted forests

魔法更吸引 More attractive than magic, More interesting than magic

魔法都沒用上 Had not even needed to use magic

死亡魔法的巫師 A sorcerer of death magic

修練死亡魔法的巫師 A sorcerer who practiced death magic

會比魔法更吸引他 Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

會比魔法更吸引她 Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?


療法 Therapy, Treatment


沒法 Could not, Unable

沒法 He couldn't

沒法 Can't, Cannot

沒法 No way to

沒法停止 Couldn't stop

沒法停止 He couldn't stop

沒法子幫 No way can help

沒法理解 There's no way of understanding, There's no (way of) understanding

沒法安全迴轉 Unable to safely turn around, Unable to make a safe U-turn

速度太快沒法安全迴轉 Going to fast to safely turn, Going to fast to make a safe U-turn


減法 Subtraction

多項式的減法 Polynomial subtraction

多項式的加法與減法 Polynomial addition and subtraction


十分逼近法 Digit-by-digit calculation


違法 Illegal, Against the law, Contraband


用四捨五入法 Use rounding


合法 Legitimate, Lawful, Legal

合法夫妻 Legitimately husband and wife

合法經營 Legitimate operation, Legitimately run business


分法 Dichotomy


英法 Anglo-French

英法 Anglo-French alliance

英法聯軍 Anglo-French allied forces


不法 Illegal, Unlawful


刑法 Criminal law


死法 Way to die

他的死法 How he died


非法 Illegal, Illicit

非法複製 Counterfeit, Counterfeited


索法 Heuristic


教法 Teaching method, Teaching methods, Pedagogy


古法 Old ways


執法 Enforce the law, Law enforcement

實際執法 Actual law enforcement

執法 Law enforcer, Law enforcers, Law enforcement officer, Law enforcement officers

執法單位 Law enforcement unit, Law enforcement units, Law enforcement


書法 Calligraphy

用漂亮的書法 Use beautiful calligraphy


畫法 Method of painting or drawing


加法 Addition

多項式的加法 Polynomial addition

也不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding

多項式的加法與減法 Polynomial addition and subtraction


想法 Idea, Ideas, Thoughts, State of mind

有個想法 Had an idea

有幾個想法 Had a few ideas, Have a few ideas

瘋狂的想法 Crazy idea

這樣的想法 This thought, These thoughts

掌握他們的想法 Master their thoughts, Think like them

忽然有個瘋狂的想法 Suddenly had a crazy idea

想法或反應 Think or react, Thought or reaction

和大多數人的想法相反者 Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think

我的想法相反 I am of the opposite opinion, My opinion is the complete opposite

我的想法正好相反 It seems as if I am of the opposite opinion


槍法 Marksmanship


權法 Copyright law


犯法 Crime, A crime, Illegal, Break the law, Breaks the law, Breaking the law, Broke the law

犯法 Not illegal, It's not breaking the law

抱著希望並不犯法 It's not illegal to hope, There's no law against hoping

謀殺還是犯法 Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime


視覺錯覺技法 Tromp l'oeil, Art technique for creating a three-dimensional affect, Technique for creating the illusion of depth


計算機按法 Calculator method

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