Index for words including 滲


Infiltrate, Permeate, Penetrate, Ooze, Seep, Soak Through, Horrify

Word Links for words containing 滲 (sorted via character pairs)

滲 shenˋ
Infiltrate, Permeate, Penetrate, Ooze, Seep, Soak Through, Horrify

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


滲透 Infiltrate, Embed, Work through

恐懼開始滲透他的身體 Fear started to work through his body, Fear started to work through him

恐懼開始滲透她的身體 Fear started to work through her body, Fear started to work through her


滲進 Infiltrate, Permeate, Penetrate


滲入 Seeped, Infiltrated

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