Index for words including 究

jiuˋ, jiu¯

Investigate, Examine, Cross Examine, Study Carefully, Scrutinize, Dig Into, Eventually, Finally, In The End, After All, Actually, Really

Word Links for words containing 究 (sorted via character pairs)

究 jiuˋ, jiu¯
Investigate, Examine, Cross Examine, Study Carefully, Scrutinize, Dig Into, Eventually, Finally, In The End, After All, Actually, Really

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


究竟 Actually, Exactly


終究 In the end, After all, Eventually, In the long run, Anyway

終究不相配 In the end were not suited to each other, It turned out that they weren't suited to each other

終究要來的 Had been coming anyway

那一天終究會來 The day would come, Then would come a day

可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all


講究 Have regard for, Be particular about, Apply a particular taste in execution, Tasteful, Tastefully accomplished

講究細微末節 Pay attention to detail, Plodding


追究 Investigate


研究 Study, Research

做點研究 Do a little research, Do some research

忘情研究 Obsess, Focus on, Get deeply involved in

諺語學的研究 Research into the study of proverbs, Paroemiological studies

我對歷史的研究 My historical studies

加上我對歷史的研究 In addition to my historical studies

研究 Research Staff, Researcher(S)

研究 Research institute, Grad school, Graduate school

研究 Graduate student, Postgraduate

研究 Research

研究 Researched, Studied

用心研究 Intently studied, Carefully studied

研究人員 Researcher, Researchers

大型研究機構 Large research organizations or institutions

在念研究院期間 While studying at graduate school

抱著科學研究的心 Embrace the idea of science, Embrace the idea of scientific research

走到河邊研究蝌蚪 Walk down to a river to study tadpoles, Walking to a river to study tadpoles

研究助理 Research assistant

研究助理 Work as a research assistant, Working as a research assistant


探究 Investigate, Explore, Probe

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