Index for words including 童


Child, Minor, Chaste, Young, Virgin

Word Links for words containing 童 (sorted via character pairs)

童 tongˊ
Child, Minor, Chaste, Young, Virgin

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


童軍 Boy Scout troop

童軍團團長 Scoutmaster


童女 Girl child, Virgin


童子 Boy Scouts

他和幾位童子軍同伴 He and several members of his Boy Scout troop


童年 Childhood

我個人的童年 My own childhood, My personal childhood

童年玩伴 Childhood friend

他早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form his childhood friends

她早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form her childhood friends


童話 Fairy tale


孩童 Child

孩童 Children

他聽到四周孩童 He could hear the children all around him, He heard the children all around him

吃驚孩童的碎語 The chatter of astonished children, The chattering of surprised children

他聽到四周孩童們吱喳 He could hear the chit chat of children all around him, He heard the chattering of children all around him


兒童 Child, Children's

多半是兒童 Over half were children, Most were children, Mostly children

失蹤的兒童 Missing children

給我們兒童 Give our children

餵食給我們兒童 Feed to our children

兒童 Child's Pose, Balasana

兒童 Childlike

兒童 Children's poem, Poetry for children

兒童 Kid's stuff,

兒童文學 Children's literature

失蹤兒童頁面 Missing children page

家失蹤及被剝削兒童援助中心 National center for missing and exploited children

兒童心理學家 Child Psychologist

我不是兒童心理學家 I am not a child psychologist


學童 School children

學童 School boy

穿各年級制服的學童 Uniformed schoolchildren of all grades


神童 Child prodigy

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