Index for words including 答

daˊ, da¯

Answer, Respond, Reply, Echo, Agree

Word Links for words containing 答 (sorted via character pairs)

答 daˊ, da¯
Answer, Respond, Reply, Echo, Agree

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


答腔 Reply, answer, words uttered in response to a question


答復 Answer, Reply


答答 Dripping

答答 Dripping

答答 Damp, Wet, Dripping

答答 Sticky

答答的馬路 Wet road, Wet roads


答辯 Reply


經過答詢 Debriefed


答謝 Acknowledge, Give thanks

答謝 Thank him


答案 Answer

正確答案 The correct answer

沒有正確答案 There were no right answers

最受歡迎的答案 Most popular answer

答案 The answer is, The answer was

正確答案應該是 The correct answer should be

答案就在書本裡 Books contain the answers

答案就藏在問題裡 The answer was hidden in the question

正確答案應該是多少 The correct answer should be how much?


答應 Promise, Agree to, Reply, Answer, Respond


答道 Said, Replied

這個人答道 The man said


答不出來 Could not answer


答覆 Reply, Answer


答聖 Offerings for the Imperial Court


回答 Answer, Answers, Answered

直接回答 Directly answer, Answer directly

他沒有回答 He didn't answer

自己的回答 By my own answer, By their own answer

不想直接回答 Didn't want to answer directly

他沒有直接回答 He didn't answer directly

她沒有直接回答 She didn't answer directly

對某一問題的回答 Answer to a particular question, Answer to a question

回答 Answered

回答 Answer you, Give you an answer

回答 Reply

回答 He answered that it was

問題回答 Solution method, Problem solving method, Question answering method

他就會知道該怎麼回答 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

她就會知道該怎麼回答 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered

回答問題 Answer the question

回答下列問題 Then answer the following questions

回答了他的問題 Answered his questions

回答了他沒有問出口的問題 Answered his unspoken question

回答了她沒有問出口的問題 Answered her unspoken question

回答錯了 Answered incorrectly, Gave the wrong answer

我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer

回答他的人是 The person who answered him was

回答她的人是 The person who answered her was


解答 Answer to a question, Explanation

解答 Explain, Explanation, Answer, Give an answer


滴答 Tick tock, Drip drop, Onomatopoeic for the dripping sound of water

滴答滴答 Onomatopoeic for the sound a clock makes, Onomatopoeic for the sound of dripping water

滴答 Tick tock tick, Onomatopoeic for the dripping sound of water


對答 Answering questions

對答 Answering questions


報答 Repay, Pay back a favor or kindness, Reward

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