Index for words including 螢


Firefly, Glow Worm, Luminous Insect

Word Links for words containing 螢 (sorted via character pairs)

螢 yingˊ
Firefly, Glow Worm, Luminous Insect

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


螢火 Firefly


螢幕 Monitor, Screen, Display

螢幕 Movie or video screen

液晶螢幕 Liquid Crystal Display, LCD

監視螢幕 Monitor screen, Monitor

第二個監視螢幕 Second monitor

液晶螢幕亮度 LCD monitor Brightness

調整液晶螢幕亮度 Adjust LCD monitor Brightness

液晶螢幕顯示 Liquid Crystal Display Screen

將在液晶螢幕上顯示 Will then be displayed in the LCD monitor

拍攝的影像將在液晶螢幕上顯示 Captured image will then be displayed on the LCD monitor

螢幕觀看一切 Watched it all from a screen

使用液晶螢幕拍攝 Using the LCD monitor to take a picture

避免液晶螢幕自動關閉 Preventing LCD automatic shut off

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