Index for words including 驟

zouˋ, zhouˋ

Sudden, Suddenly, Frequent, Procedure, Gallop

Word Links for words containing 驟 (sorted via character pairs)

驟 zouˋ, zhouˋ
Sudden, Suddenly, Frequent, Procedure, Gallop

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


驟降 Dropped suddenly

氣壓驟降 Sudden drop in air pressure, The air pressure suddenly dropped


驟然 Suddenly


暴風驟雨 Hurricane


步驟 Procedure, Step of the way

重要步驟 Important procedure

某實驗的步驟 The steps in a particular experiment, Steps in an experiment

進行某實驗的步驟 Steps to perform in a particular experiment, The steps performed in an experiment

每個步驟 Each step, Every step of the way

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